
the main feature of the project was to have an inspired theme behind the design of our lamps. there were three different styles to choose form; Art Deco, Memphis Design and Natural Form:
  • Art Deco - a 1920's design which is mainly made up of different shapes like; squares, rectangles and triangles in particular. the colour theme for art deco are golds, silvers, blacks and whites e.c.t

  • Memphis Design - a very modern design which encldes lots of squares, rectangles, hecagons, pentagons e.c.t . this design was formed in germany and  are normally bright and boldly couloured and mainly unusal shapes!

  • Natural Form - a design based around nature and animals. it can consist of patterns of animals or shped like a flower, it can be anything as long as it is not made by humans.

 for my lamp i chose the inspiration of Memphis Design. i thougn that this can make me think out of the box with wild shapes and bold colours. i also thought that with memphis it would be harder as it is very easy to copy an idea already made, whereas i wanted to make my lamp unique!

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