Tuesday 26 June 2012

Week One - marking out wood

Marking Out Wood:

when we were first given our wood which would make our frames,we had to make sure that it was the right lengh (125mm by 20mm and 150mm by 20mm). i used six pieces of wood to make my triangular frame, three smaller pieces of wood and 3 bigger.

to mark out the would you have to using a ruler and pencil:
  1. draw a line 2cm away from the edge of the wood, once you have done this you should have a box shape at the end of the wood.
  2.  draw a cross from the end of the wood to the line, so it fills up most of the space.
  3. at the centre of the cross you will need to draw a dot, this is where you will need to drill.
you need to keep completeing this process on all the pieces of wood you are going to drill, and finally make a dowel joint.

Wood Being Marked

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