Thursday 28 June 2012

Week Three - Cutting Out Dowel

on the third lesson, I started to cut out dowel for the dowel joints. the dowel I used was 0.5 cm (width) by 2cm (length). to cut out the dowel I had to:

  1. get out the appropriate equipment, i.e tenon saw and bench hook.
  2. attach the bench hook to a vice so it doesn't move when you are trying to cut the wood.
  3. mark out  2cm on your dowel. Do this as many times as you have joints, for example 3 pieces of dowel.
  4. carefully with your fingers out of the way, gently saw back and fourth on the dowel so you will eventually get on piece of dowel joint.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        complete  this for as many dowel joints as you need to cut.

Cutting Dowel

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